Accreditation Public Comment System

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Implementing Regulations (IRs) C-18 D, C-30 I, and C-9(I) P Implementing Regulations (IR) C-9(l) P. Postdoctoral Residency Level 3 – Specialty Competencies Psychoanalytic/Psychodynamic Psychology BhupinButaneyEducation and Training Committee, APA Division 39We appreciate the work CoA and its committees have done in preparing clear and appropriate Level 3 Specialty Competencies for Psychoanalytic and Psychodynamic Psychology programs through IR C-9(I) P. We strongly agree that the proposed specialty competencies and associated elements are consistent with specialty-level practice in Psychoanalytic and Psychodynamic Psychology and meet the requirements of Postdoctoral Standard II.B.3 of the SoA. The Level 3 competencies are aligned with the CoS-approved Postdoctoral Residency Guidelines for Psychoanalytic and Psychodynamic Psychology. IR C-9(I) P, as proposed, will provide clarity and support to APA-accredited postdoctoral residency programs that offer postdoctoral training opportunities in this specialty area. By having clear competencies at the postdoctoral level that align with professional practice standards and advanced board certification in Psychoanalytic and Psychodynamic Psychology (PA/PD), students at the graduate level will h... See Full Comment